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Dehydrated shiitaké heads - Sugimoto Shoten - 70g

Marque : Sugimoto Shoten


Usual price 12.80 €
Promotional price 12.80 € Usual price
Unit price 182.86 €  by  kg
On sale Exhausted
Taxes included. Shipping costs calculated at the payment stage.

These mushrooms are carefully selected, harvested by hand, then dried to keep their Umami flavor.

Their taste is of a pronounced umami, with a wooded flavor, slightly smoked and notes of nuts.

Place the mushrooms in lukewarm water for about 20 minutes to rehydrate them, then drain them and use them in your dishes. Ideal in soups, jumped, stews or as ingredient in sauces.
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  • Our tips
  • Composition
  • Conservation
  • Nutritional values

After rehydration, cut the mushrooms into pieces and make a sauce for your pasta with garlic and butter

100% shiitaké (Kyushu, Japan)

Keep out of light, in a dry and temperate place.

per 100g
Energy: 182kcal
Proteins: 19.3g
Lipids: 3.7g
Carbohydrates: 63.4g
SEL: 0.02g

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