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Magazine Tempura Hors Series - Tempura

Marque : Tempura


Usual price 19.00 €
Promotional price 19.00 € Usual price
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"To celebrate our two years, we have concocted a special 196 -page number (!) As beautiful as good!

When you think of Japan, one of the subjects that immediately comes to your mouth is of course its kitchen. The sushi in mind, but France is now just as familiar with the Ramen, the Curry or the Soba. The notoriety of Japanese chefs located in France has participated in this recognition, even when they cook French. To the point that we no longer know what "eating Japanese" means ...

And who better to guide us through this mille-feuille than Ryoko Sekiguchi, the pope of Japanese know-how? Poétess, writer, translator of Tanizaki and Houellebecq, Tokyoi installed in Paris for over 20 years has no equal to wake up the nostalgia that nestles in the season that goes away or find ten ways to cook a cloud .

Editor -in -chief for a number, she will explore with us Japanese cuisine in all its diversity, the cultures that compose it, to draw up a sensitive, uninhibited and above all delicious portrait.

Follow us to discover Japanese cuisine as you have never read!

On the menu of this special issue: new sections, exclusive meetings, attractive reports, unpublished surveys ...
You will pierce the mystery of the Umami
You will go to meet nature militants in Minamata
You will dive into the back kitchen with Jake Adesltein
You will discover the watered down universe of YouTube Moms in millions of subscribers
You will discuss fermentation and terroir with a producer of miso in Indre-et-Loire
You will share a meal in the canteen with Japanese schoolchildren
You will explore Tokyo through its coffee culture
You will taste the most beautiful creations of the best Japanese pastry in Paris
And many other surprises ... at the table! »»
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