Collection: Farm bando

2 products

  • 100% japanese yuzu juice - farm bando - 150ml

    This juice is made from fresh Yuzus cultivated in Japan, cold pressed to preserve the natural flavor of the citrus. Its tangy and refreshing flavor is...

    Usual price 13.70 €
    Promotional price 13.70 € Usual price
    Unit price 91.33 €  by  l

    1 notice

  • 100% japanese citrus juice sudachi - bando farm - 150ml

    This juice is made from Sudachi cultivated in Japan. The juice is in a hurry to preserve the natural flavor of the citrus and is packaged...

    Usual price 10.90 €
    Promotional price 10.90 € Usual price
    Unit price 72.67 €  by  l