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Filmed dried red peppers - Tanaka Bussan - 15g

Marque : Tanaka Bussan


Usual price 1.65 €
Promotional price 1.65 € Usual price
Unit price 110.00 €  by  kg
On sale Exhausted
Taxes included. Shipping costs calculated at the payment stage.

Tanaka Bussan's entire dried red pepper is perfect for adding a spicy touch to your kitchen. Producer Tanaka Bussan is renowned for its dried red spice which is carefully selected and treated to preserve its superior flavor and quality. The traditional production method is used to dry red peppers, with a slow drying technique that allows peppers to keep their flavor and texture.

These red peppers can be used to give flavor and spice to a wide variety of dishes, such as soups, stews, sauces, marinades, grilled meats and much more. They have a slightly sweet taste and moderate warmth that suits fans of spicy cooking.
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  • Our tips
  • Composition
  • Conservation
  • Nutritional values

If you buy your rice in bulk or large packaging, place a pepper in the packaging to hold the insects away.

100% red pepper (China)

Keep out of light, in a dry and temperate place

per 100g
Energy: 383kcal
Proteins: 13.1g
Lipids: 13.9g
Carbohydrates: 61.1g
SEL: 0.2g

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