Collection: Les Éditions de l'Esture

9 products

  • Book the tofu, ten ways to prepare it - the editions of the edge

    By William Chan Tat Chuen. Editions de l'Epure. Collection ten ways to prepare. "If Europeans consider the flavor of soy cheese as bland, the Chinese find...

    Usual price 10.00 €
    Promotional price 10.00 € Usual price

  • Book le curry japanese, ten ways to prepare it - editions de l'esture

    By Ryoko Sekiguchi & The Roellinger family. Editions de l'Epure. Collection ten ways to prepare. "If I tell you that the curry, with the tempuras, the...

    Usual price 10.00 €
    Promotional price 10.00 € Usual price

  • Book the miso, ten ways to prepare it - the editions of the edge

    By Nathaly Ianniello. Editions de l'Epure. Collection ten ways to prepare. "This is again a story of bacteria! The miso results from the refining of soybeans...

    Usual price 10.00 €
    Promotional price 10.00 € Usual price

    1 notice

  • Book le yuzu, ten ways to prepare it - editions de l'esture

    By Joëlle Danies. Editions de l'Epure. Collection ten ways to prepare. "I remember my first Yuzus bought on the Kyoto market, many years ago, my joy...

    Usual price 10.00 €
    Promotional price 10.00 € Usual price

  • Book the tea leaves, ten ways to prepare it - the editions of the edge

    By Joëlle Danies and Lydia Gautier. Editions de l'Epure. Collection ten ways to prepare. "Drink and eat tea, or how to feast on the same plant...

    Usual price 10.00 €
    Promotional price 10.00 € Usual price

  • Book le saké, ten ways to prepare it - editions de l'apure

    By Laurent Feneau and Kuroda Toshiro. Editions de l'Epure. Collection ten ways to prepare. "From a national drink once the subject of daily consumption, Saké has...

    Usual price 10.00 €
    Promotional price 10.00 € Usual price

  • Book the soy sauce, ten ways of preparing it - the editions of the purity

    Discover 10 recipes highlighting the soy sauce, an essential ingredient in Japanese cuisine! "If the Japanese are the biggest consumers of soy sauce - nearly 10...

    Usual price 10.00 €
    Promotional price 10.00 € Usual price

  • Book le nuage, ten ways to prepare it - editions de l'apure

    "Japanese cuisine has this particular that it has long used the cloud as a major ingredient. The aerial impression that we often keep after a Japanese...

    Usual price 10.00 €
    Promotional price 10.00 € Usual price

  • Book les algae, ten ways to prepare them - editions de l'esture

    Discover 10 ways to prepare algae according to Nathaly Ianiello, innovative recipes that highlight the nutritional richness of these marine treasures. Reveal all the versatility and...

    Usual price 10.00 €
    Promotional price 10.00 € Usual price