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Book the Miso, ten ways to prepare it - the editions of the edge

Marque : Les éditions de l'Épure


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By Nathaly Ianniello. Editions de l'Epure. Collection ten ways to prepare.

"This is again a story of bacteria! The miso results from the refining of soybeans and other cereals and rice fermented by the addition of "Aspergillus oryzae".

As with the other ingredients that emerge from the lains of the planet Earth on contemporary tables, beer, bread or Kimchi, Miso belongs to the history of food. This drink is made up of a dirty dough in the matrix broth of Japanese cuisine, the dashi ... Westerners swallow their miso bowl without really knowing the raw material. Since my first svoyage in Japan in 1993, I have appropriated it over the evolution of my kitchen. I use it daily as a condiment to do everything. »»
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Journalist and author specializing in the environment for thirty years, Nathaly Ianniello wrote for the press and written several culinary, ecological or educational books, as well as specialized novels for adolescents. The protection of natural areas and oceans constitutes its favorite field. In 1993, she discovered Japan where she then returned regularly. Passionate about cooking, she created in 2004 "Cuisine", a school in which Japanese products, especially algae, quickly occupy an important place. Between 2015 and 2017, she directed the kitchens of her restaurant "Nana". His last two pounds, zero plastic in our oceans and small abecerse of ecogestes to protect our oceans, relate to the sea.

Miso is an essential ingredient in Japanese cuisine. To learn to cook it we highly recommend this work by Nathaly Ianniello in Editions de l'Epure, collection ten ways to prepare. "This is again a story of bacteria! The miso results from the refining of soybeans and other cereals and rice fermented by addition of Aspergillus Oryzae. As with the other ingredients that emerge from the lains of the planet Earth on contemporary tables, beer, bread or Kimchi, Miso belongs to the history of food. This drink is made up of a dirty dough in the matrix broth of Japanese cuisine, the dashi ... Westerners swallow their miso bowl without really knowing the raw material. Since my first trip to Japan in 1993, I have appropriated it over the evolution of my kitchen. I use it daily as a condiment to do everything. »» The ten recipes Vinaigrette Miso soup Matured eggs Roasted pig ribs, Écume Miso Veal rognon, miso butter Green tea shells Camembert Miso Apple pie Bluffing Choco Misojournalist and author specializing in the environment for thirty years, Nathaly Ianniello wrote for the press and written several culinary, ecological or educational books, as well as specialized novels for adolescents. The protection of natural areas and oceans constitutes its favorite field. In 1993, she discovered Japan where she then returned regularly. Passionate about cooking, she created in 2004 "Cuisine", a school in which Japanese products, especially algae, quickly occupy an important place. Between 2015 and 2017, she directed the kitchens of her restaurant "Nana". His last two pounds, zero plastic in our oceans and small abecerse of ecogestes to protect our oceans, relate to the sea.

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