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Book Le Yuzu, ten ways to prepare it - Editions de l'Esture

Marque : Les éditions de l'Épure


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By Joëlle Danies. Editions de l'Epure. Collection ten ways to prepare.

"I remember my first Yuzus bought on the Kyoto market, many years ago, my joy of contemplating and choosing" in real "these little bumpy citrus fruits ... This little citrus, whose color evolves over the months of green In yellow and then orange, picks up and sells over a short period during the winter months, in this it symbolizes the seasonality dear to the Japanese. Even today, it is traditional, for the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, to take a bath at the Yuzu, Yuzu-Yu (hot water in Japanese); This popular custom, still in force today, is to dive some whole fruits or cut in bath water. Their aroma and essential oils warm the body. »»
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Mix 1cs of mayonnaise with 1CS of miso and spread everything on toast for an original appeter.

10 ways to discover the Yuzu according to Joëlle Danies who offers us sweet and savory recipes to enhance the Yuzu, this delicious Japanese citrus between mandarin and lemon! "I remember my first Yuzus bought on the Kyoto market, many years ago, my joy of contemplating and choosing" in real real "these little bumpy citrus fruits ... This little citrus, whose color evolves over the months of green In yellow and then orange, picks up and sells over a short period during the winter months, in this it symbolizes the seasonality dear to the Japanese. Even today, it is traditional, for the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, to take a bath at the Yuzu, Yuzu-Yu (hot water in Japanese); This popular custom, still in force today, is to dive some whole fruits or cut in bath water. Their aroma and essential oils warm the body. »» The ten recipes Yuzu in any season Mizu soup Yuzu sauce pasta Flavored salad Small raw squares matcha yuzu Mimosa eggs Daurade Ceviche Yuzu Gama Yuzu mint desserts Hojicha and Zeste Confitjoëlle Danies jelly likes to discover, cook and share good products. His taste and respect for plants come from the family vegetable garden. His boundless curiosity and his passion for tea, associated with his desire to create and experience, made him want to cook these marriages between infused and put tea leaves.

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